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(787) 743-3693
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Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Python (MIT)
Introduction to Music Business (Berklee)
Calculus I: from Functions to Differential Equations (Delft)
Super Earth and life (Harvard)
Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases (Harvard)
Nutrition for a Healthy Sustainable Lifestyle (Doane)
Introducción a la gestión de proyectos (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Python: aprender a programar (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron (Harvard)
Fat Chance: Probability from the Ground up (Harvard)
Pre-University Calculus (Delft)
CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python (Harvard)
Finanzas e inversiones para no financieros (Universidad del Rosario)
Fundamentos de mecánica para ingeniería (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Business Foundation (University of British Columbia)
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